Hi, I’m Dr. Kendra Rushing!
I grew up in Alaska, but have lived in Washington since starting high school. After getting a BA in English Literature at Western Washington University, I found my way across the mountains to attend veterinary school at Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.
Upon receiving my DVM, I completed a rotating internship in Denver, CO and a surgical internship in Kirkland, WA.

I love exploring and travel. Grace, who you met on the front page, joined me on many a local adventure. She ultimately developed cruciate tears in both her knees, which required rehabilitation to get her back to tip-top shape. That’s when my love for rehab started.
Through additional training with the Canine Rehabilitation Institute, I have become both a Certified Veterinary Acupuncture Therapist (CVAT) and Certified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist (CCRT).
I am a member of the AARV and the AAVA.
With these tools I decided to establish Grace Veterinary Services so I could provide medicine I am passionate about for clients like you!
I am so excited to be able to practice the type of medicine I love in such a beautiful place.
Keep reading to learn more about my interests.

Outside of veterinary medicine I enjoy reading, cultivating an obsession with dinosaurs, collecting tattoos, hiking, traveling, and going on adventures with my copilot Conchita (a cactus.)
I am currently petless but get to visit my newfoundland BeBop (short for Bernadette) frequently while she enjoys the retired life.