
Where to begin?

Where to begin? I am so grateful we found Dr. Kendra. Walter has IVDD and was so lethargic, could barely move, and after many drugs, and desparate to not lose him, we found Dr. Kendra, and everything changed for the better. Even our non-mobile vet was amazed at how far he has come. He has been on Gabapentin for years for arthritis but after he slipped a vertabral disc, it was really bad. Kendra has truly breathed new life into my Walter. We know he is old, but he is back to himself and HAPPY and able to do stairs and go for walks, it is like a rebirth. So, so, soooooooooo grateful.

Nicole Schmidt

Buddy started walking again

Buddy was lethargic, and could not walk. I found Dr. Rushing and she assessed Buddy and worked out a treatment plan. Within a few weeks, Buddy was starting to be more alert, able to stand and start taking his first steps. Now Buddy goes for walks around the neighborhood, he is alert and has more energy. Dr. Rushing has been a blessing.

Audrey Roberts

Our dogs have benefited greatly

Our dogs have benefited greatly from the acupuncture services Grace Veterinary Services offers. Both dogs have shown marked improvement from their initial treatment and we have found a cycle of care that benefits their life and wellness as they continue to age. GVS has been great in providing care and flexibility in scheduling. GVS is a pleasure to work with to improve our dogs daily lives.

Thank you Dr. Rushing, on behalf of Cisco and Cyrus, they look forward to your next visit.

Erik Thompson

Lilly avoided surgery thanks to Dr Kendra

Several months ago, I was told Lilly needed a major operation on her knee, due to a torn ligament. Lilly was not using that leg at all, and normally was a very active dog. Kendra came recommended and we couldn’t be happier. After 4-5 treatments, Lilly now has full function of that leg and you can’t even tell she had a torn ligament. Kendra loves her patients and takes the time to talk you through recovery options. We feel grateful that Lilly didn’t have to undergo the operation, and she is back to her normal active self!

Monica Ackerman

Senior dog Molly

Dr. Kendra has been providing Acupuncture to our senior dog Molly for several months. Molly has a week back leg caused by a nerve issue and has difficulty standing or walking for long periods of time. We feel that the treatment she receives from Dr. Kendra has improved her ability to do both. Dr. Kendra has a easy going personality and common sense approach to her work. She always makes sure that Molly feels comfortable during her appointments, and Molly seems to thrive on the individual attention she receives during the visits as well. She always perks up whenever I tell her “her friend Kendra” is coming over.

Corey McPeek